Our Patriots
The following is a list of the Patriot ancestors of the members of the Paradise Valley Chapter, NSDAR by State.
Levi Adams, Sr., Corporal
Levi Adams, Jr., Sergeant
Aaron Baxter, Sr., Private
John Benham, Ensign
Amasa Brooks, Private
Stephen Galpin, Private
William Huyck, Private
Thomas Sharp, Private, Patriotic Service
Peter Gruwell, Private
Arthur Fort, Civil Service, Patriotic Service
Joshua Barrell, Private
Ebenezer Chase, Private
Abner Curtis, Jr., Private
John Davis, Private
Mitchel Davis, Private
Kendall Emerson, Sergeant
John Harkness, Private
Samuel Howland, Private
Israel Hunting, Private
John Lawrence, Private
Jabez Metcalf, Sergeant
Tristram Pinkham, Patriotic Service
Supply Reed, Private
James Morris, Soldier
Isaac Perkins, Colonel
North Carolina
William Allen, Patriotic Service
Ebenezer Fain, Private
Nicholas Fain, Patriotic Service
Harmon Gaskins, Private
Hugh Graham Private
Gideon Johnson, Sr., Patriotic Service
James Josey, Patriotic Service
Samuel King, Civil Service
John Pillow, Patriotic Service
William Robertson, Patriotic Service
Nicholas Rochester, Sergeant
Jacob Sink, Patriotic Service
John Toney, Private
Shadrach Weaver, Private
New Hampshire
Richard Bailey, Private
Job Foss, Patriotic Service
Daniel Garland, Patriotic Service
John Garland, Private
Samuel Goss, Private
John Grant, Private
Benjamin Mason, Patriotic Service
Ezekiel Moulton, Patriotic Service
Small Moulton, Patriotic Service
Jeremiah Sanborn, Sr., Patriotic Service
New Jersey
Azariah Casto, Private
Joseph Crane, Lieutenant
Lebbeus Dodd, Captain
John Dusenbury, Civil Service, Patriotic Service
William Dusenbury, Sergeant, Patriotic Service
Daniel Hendrickson, Colonel, Patriotic Service
Andrew Johnson, Lieutenant, Patriotic Service
Ezekiel Massey, Seaman
John Miller, Lieutenant
John A. Miller, Sergeant
John Perrin, Private
Samuel Rutan, Private
Sylvanus Seeley, Colonel, Patriotic Service
Obadiah Valentine, Private
New York
Thomas Baxter, Patriotic Service
Amos Bennet, Private
Samuel Newman, Private
Isaac Peaslee, Private
John Sisson, Private
Godfrey Vought, Private
John Bowser, Private
James Bush, Private, Patriotic Service
John Cope, Patriotic Service
Nicholas Faust, Patriotic Service
Bernhardt Follweiler, Soldier, Patriotic Service
John Forsyth, Private
William Gray, Private
Peter Hanks, Private
Peter Hanks, Private
Adam Kramer, Private
Frederick Leasure, Private, Patriotic Service
William Levering, Private
William Loucks, Private, Patriotic Service
James McKean, Private
Robert McKinley, Private
William Pearsall, Soldier
Jacob Peters, Private
Moses Rambo, Patriotic Service
Daniel Royer, Private, Patriotic Service
Peter Seacat, Private
Cornelius Sheehan, Private
Ennion Williams, Major
Thomas Wilson, Soldier
George Wittenmeyer, Private
John Wooley, Patriotic Service
Rhode Island
John Aylsworth, Civil Service
William Gallup, Sergeant
Stephen Wilkinson, Private
South Carolina
Henry Felder, Sr., Captain, Civil Service, Patriotic Service
Edward Larimore, Civil Service
Michael McCarty, Private, Civil Service
Micajah Pickett, Patriotic Service
Joshua Reeder, Patriotic Service
Johnathan Taylor, Patriotic Service
William Trammell, Private
George Ater, Patriotic Service
John E. Bill, Sergeant
Edmund Borum, Patriotic Service
Richard Borum, Patriotic Service
John Bradshaw, Patriotic Service
William Curd, Captain
William Dunn, Private
Samuel Goodin, Patriotic Service
Thomas Graves, Patriotic Service
Thomas Gresham, Civil Service
Adam Hope, Sr., Civil Service, Patriotic Service
Henry Howard, Private
Henry Lansisco, Patriotic Service
James Lee, Private, Patriotic Service
Edward Long, Patriotic Service
John Markham, Patriotic Service
John Maxey, Private
William McFerrin, Private
Richard Northcott, Private
George Peck, Private
James Robertson, Patriotic Service
Jacob Seay, Patriotic Service
Philip Sheets, Patriotic Service
George Shoemaker, Patriotic Service
Seth Stratton, Private
Moses Sweeney, Patriotic Service
Jesse Thomas, Patriotic Service
Job Thomas, Patriotic Service
Henry Turner, Ensign, Patriotic Service
Leonard Tutwiler, Private
Henry Watson, Private
Thomas Jewett, Lieutenant, Civil Service
Robert Johnston, Colonel, Patriotic Service
Thomas Lyon, Lieutenant (Continental Line)